Why You Should See a Dentist About Gum Disease

Gum Disease Boynton Beach, FL

You should see a dentist for gum disease as soon as symptoms present to avoid the issue from worsening and leading to more serious complications, such as bone loss in the jaw or teeth loss. This review discusses why you should see a dentist about gum disease, including insights into the risks of untreated gum disease and the early signs that gum disease is present. 

The purpose of dental visits to address gum disease

Dentists not only treat gum disease after it has developed, but they also focus on the prevention of gum disease as well. Regular dental visits for periodontal purposes allow your dentist to check on the status of your periodontal health and implement early treatment if there are any concerns. 

What is gum disease?

Gum disease, often referred to as periodontal disease, is a common condition in which the gums are damaged. There are two primary forms of gum disease — gingivitis and periodontitis. Gingivitis is a more mild form of gum disease, where periodontitis is a more serious concern. Both types of gum disease are often caused by poor oral hygiene practices and dietary choices. 

The risks of untreated gum disease

The gums and underlying jawbone are the supporting structures of teeth, so when they are damaged by gum disease they are not able to adequately support teeth. Often, the ultimate result of untreated gum disease is bone loss in the jaw and eventual loss of teeth. This can occur decades after the first symptoms appear or issues may progress much more rapidly. 

The early signs of gum disease

The early signs of gum disease may look different for every patient. Some of the more common symptoms of gum disease that require treatment from a dental professional include:

  • Red gums
  • Bleeding gums
  • Gum swelling
  • Gum pockets

More severe symptoms of gum disease include deep gum pockets, gum recession, and loose teeth. Often, it requires dental X-rays to determine the severity of gum disease and detect symptoms that may go undetected by oral examination, which is why dental visits for gum disease are important even for patients who appear to have healthy gums. 

How gum disease can be treated

The most appropriate treatment option for gum disease depends on the severity of the gum disease and the cause. When detected in the early stages, gum disease may only require a change in the patient's oral care routine and a routine cleaning. For more severe instances of gum disease (periodontitis), the patient likely requires a deep dental cleaning, which cleans below the gum line to remove bacteria and food particles that are causing the gum disease, in addition to improvements in the patient’s oral hygiene. 

Are you experiencing symptoms of gum disease?

If you have any symptoms of gum disease, such as gum discoloration, gum swelling, bleeding while brushing, and deep gum pockets, then contact our team today to arrange a visit. We help our patients gain control over their gum disease and can put a long-term gum disease prevention plan in place.

Request an appointment here: https://boyntonbeachtownsquaredentistry.com/ or call Town Square Dentistry at (561) 782-9633 for an appointment in our Boynton Beach office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Gum Disease in Boynton Beach, FL.

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